Targeting Marlin? Check this out.
Collapsible Triple-Tier Dredge w/31 14" Bonita and it all breaks down and fits into a standard Plano box.
Complete 30"-24"-18" 6-arm collapsible dredge rigged with our Split-Tail Bonita.
31 - 14" Bonita are made with Exon-Mobil Santoprene, not inexpensive standard rubber used by others.
3 - Proven EZ/6 Collapsible Dredges
2 - Dredge 500lb test mono connecters with heavy BB Snap Swivels
31 - Dou-Lock Snaps to connect teaser baits.
1 - Dredge wrench
1 - Plano 14"x14"x3-1/2" storage box which all of the above easily fits into.
A Great Dredge that is easy to assemble, easy to deploy, easy to retrieve and very easy to stow. This dredge is perfect for whatever you're targeting and any size boat.